IFLA 2009 Offsite Session Religious Libraries

IFLA 2009 - Offsite Session Religious Libraries







Dalle culture ai libri di culto:

funzioni moderne delle biblioteche

nelle tradizioni religiose delle civiltà del Mediterraneo


From Cultures to Sacred Books:

Modern functions of Libraries

 in the religious traditions of Mediterranean Civilizations



Biblioteca Ambrosiana

Sala Accademie

Milan, Piazza Pio XI, 2


August 24th 2009

h 09:00 – 18:00



Free Admission – Ingresso libero

Registration requested - Previa registrazione



With the contribution of


·         Arcidiocesi di Milano

·        Biblioteca Ambrosiana

·         Conferenza Episcopale Italiana

·         Associazione Bibliotecari Ecclesiastici italiani

·         Unione Romana Biblioteche Ecclesiastiche






ARCIDIOCESI DI MILANO  IFLA 2009 - Offsite Session Religious LibrariesIFLA 2009 - Offsite Session Religious Libraries      IFLA 2009 - Offsite Session Religious Libraries      IFLA 2009 - Offsite Session Religious Libraries








August 24th 2009

9.00 – 12.30




Presiding mons. FRANCO BUZZI,

Prefect of the Biblioteca Ambrosiana



Greeting: Card. DIONIGI TETTAMANZI,   Archbishop of Milan


Introduction: STEVE W. WITT, IFLA II. Division of  Special Libraries






Professor emeritus of Codicology and Paleography



Prefect of the Biblioteca Apostolica Vaticana



Vicar General of the Confraternity sufi Jerrahi-Halveti of Italy




Lunch break



15.30 – 18.30



Vice Prefect of the Biblioteca Ambrosiana







BETH. Bibliothèques Européennes de Théologie: Odile Dupont

CEI. Conferenza Episcopale Italiana. Ufficio Nazionale per i beni culturali ecclesiastici: Don Stefano Russo

CDEC. Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea: Nanette Hayon

ABIE. Asociación de Bibliotecarios de la Iglesia en España: M. Carmen del Valle Sánchez

ABEI . Associazione dei Bibliotecari Ecclesiastici Italiani: Mons. Michele Pennisi

URBE. Unione Romana Biblioteche Ecclesiastiche: Giuseppe Tabarelli






ABEI. Associazione dei bibliotecari ecclesiastici italiani is the Italian Catholic Librarian Association. It was founded in 1978, and nowadays it has about 300 members (persons and institutions, that is libraries of every part of Italy and of different typology ), but it has relations with over 1.500 Italian catholic libraries; it is the Association of catholic librarians which in Europe has the major number of members. Among its main activities, we remember ACOLIT, an Authority List in catholic religious field, three volumes of which have already been published: 1. Bible, Catholic Church, Roman Curia, Papal State, Vatican, Popes and Antipopes; 2. Religious Orders; 3. Liturgical Works (at least other two volumes are planned, concerning the early Christian writers and the saints of the Catholic Church). ABEI has carried out two censuses of the Italian catholic libraries, whose data are contained in two volumes (published in 1990 and 1995) and now are available in its website. ABEI periodically organizes courses of training for librarians, congresses and seminars (and publishes their proceedings) and publishes the “Bollettino di informazione”, printed in 2.000 copies. (https://www.abei.it)


ABIELa Asociación de Bibliotecarios de la Iglesia en España is a public canonical association of national sphere, a no profit-making association, instituted in 1993 for the Episcopal Spanish Conference, for the defence, conservation and circulation of the Church bibliographical patrimony. They can be part of the ABIE capitular libraries, diocesan and Episcopal libraries, Seminaries' libraries ,  parish libraries, libraries of universities, faculties and  centres of catholic studies, monastic libraries, conventual libraries and libraries of secular institutes, particular or specialized libraries and centres of ecclesiastical documents. That is to say all the libraries  requiring it, provided that they are bound to an ecclesiastical institution.



BETH. Bibliotheques européennes de théologie. European theological libraries. Europäische bibliotheken für theologie. Beth is an ecumenical association of the national theological library associations in Europe, with additional members gathered from among the various individual theological libraries that are recognised as extraordinary in their scope, either from their collections or from their influence in the international sphere.  The structure of the organisation is open-ended, thus inviting observers to attend the annual general assemblies, and welcoming applications for membership from other theological library associations in Europe, as well as from individual libraries that meet the membership criteria. (http://theo.kuleuven.be/beth/)



BIBLIOTECA AMBROSIANA, founded in Milan by cardinal Federico Borromeo in1607, was conceived as a centre for studies and culture, with a College of Doctors, a library supplied for  the different spheres of knowledge and a picture-gallery with paintings of the most well-known Italian and foreign authors.. The library has an historical, religious, particularly  classical retrospective character, that is directed to study the past. To the College of Doctors, composed by at least five ecclesiastics and a Prefect as its  president, is committed the scientific and cultural activity of the Ambrosiana. The Doctors are co-opted by election of the College itself, while the Prefect is appointed by the Archbishop of Milan, patron of the Ambrosiana. (http://www.ambrosiana.it)


CDEC. The Fondazione Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea – CDEC onlus (non lucrative organization of social utility) is an historical, cultural, independent and no profit making institution, with legal status, recognized by DPR 4th April 1990, with seat in Milan. In 1955, on the occasion of  the tenth anniversary of the Liberazione, of the end of the Repubblica Sociale Italiana and the Nazi occupation, the Federazione giovanile ebraica d'Italia constituted the Centro di Documentazione ebraica contemporanea - with the purpose of "the research and the registration of every kind of documents about the anti-Semitic persecution in Italy and the Jewish contribution to the Resistenza" and their divulgation. The current statute of the Foundation states that it is an independent institute, under the protection of the Unione delle comunità ebraiche italianeand subject to the supervision of the Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali and to the statute supervision of the Unione delle comunità ebraiche italiane. Owing to the particular undertaking of the documentation, research and memory of the Shoah, the Foundation CDEC can be considered the "place of memory" of the thousands of Italian Hebrews killed during the deportation. The historical Archives of the Foundation have been declared "of remarkable historical interest" by the Ministero itself. The Foundation CDEC is part of the Italian delegation in the Task Force for International Cooperation on Holocaust Education, Remembrance and Research.



Conferenza Episcopale Italiana. Ufficio Nazionale per i beni culturali ecclesiastici. The Office main  aim is to cooperate in a permanent form with the Italian Episcopal Conference, the  Dioceses, the  Regional Episcopal Conferences and the Societies of apostolic life in all the aspects concerned with conservation and increasing in value, liturgical adaptation and increment of  the cultural ecclesiastical goods. The Office, besides, intends to promote the collaboration between the Church and the public Administrations – particularly between the C.E.I and the Ministero per i beni culturali e ambientali – with the purpose of favouring the conservation and the increase in value of the ecclesiastical cultural patrimony, according to the provisions of the Review Agreement of the Concordat subscribed  in 1984 February 18th. The Office's competence is extended also to the administration of the archives, libraries, museums and ecclesiastical collections. In its activities the Office has relations with  the ecclesial Associations  (as the Associazione Archivistica, Ecclesiastica, the Associazione dei Bibliotecari Ecclesiastici Italiani, the Associazione dei Musei Ecclesiastici Italiani, the Unione Cattolica Artisti Italiani) and with the Associations and Movements  involved in the spheres of its competence. (http://www.chiesacattolica.it/cci_new/PagineCCI/index1.jsp?idPagina=30)


URBEUnione Romana Biblioteche Ecclesiastiche. The network Urbe coordinates the informatics  activity among 17 academic papal institutions of the City of Rome, whose library patrimony is impressive for the quantity and most of all for the qualified specialization in the fields of religious and theological sciences. Founded in 1991, in a spirit of collaboration among the ecclesiastical libraries in Rome, at present it includes all the papal Universities of Rome (Gregoriana, Lateranense, Urbaniana, Angelicum, Salesiana, Santa Croce, Antonianum), and the Pontificio Istituto Biblico, the Pontificio Istituto Orientale, the Pontificio Ateneo Sant’Anselmo, the  Pontificia Facoltà Teologica Marianum, the Auxilium, the Istituto patristico Augustinianum, the Accademia Alfonsiana, the Pontificio Istituto di studi arabi e d’islamistica, the Istituto Giovanni Paolo II and the Centro pro Unione. (http://www.urbe.it)


Sede Legale:
Piazza S. Maria Maggiore 5
00185 Roma
Segreteria e recapito corrispondenza:
Piazza del Duomo, 16
20122 Milano
Email: segreteria@abei.it
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